I was a bit reluctant at first to answer this thread since I grow my cattleya's very different to most people. But my Cattleya's are thriving more than most my other orchids and I attribute it to two things.
1. Cattleya drink more than any other same sized orchid I have so I provide a lot of water
2. Too much moisture in the pot can suffocate roots - this can make growing Cattleya a bit challenging as they need lots of water but cannot handle lots of water staying in the pot for too long.
Watering once every 2 weeks is recipe for failure. If you look at the pseudobulbs they are all shrivelled. So to the question whether it is virus/bacteria problem or a cultural problemI would say cultural.
The plant is not receiving enough water but as is if you were to increase watering the roots will rot.
There are lots of ways to achieve an airy media that stays damp all the time - that is what I try to achieve growing Cattleya. I never let my Cattleya dry out as they drink so much. But I never let my pots get too wet so the roots can rot.
I find Cattleya roots are actually quite resilent to rot but because the plants drink a lot more than a phalaenopsis for example they need to be kept wetter and this can cause rot.
Historically growers would water their plants more regularly, bareroot Cattleya's need to be watered every single day or they dry out.
There are ways to not have to water every single day like semi-hydro, self watering pots and automatic rain
misting systems but once every 2 weeks is just not going to work.

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