I am a novice gardener with my very first orchid. I got it a month ago and I know I overwatered it. I then clipped off the rotting roots and repotted in new orchid bark 2 weeks ago.
Now I notice little white things in the bark. What are these and what can I do about them?
The larger white chunks are perlite, a type of potting media. No worries about it being a nest/cocoon.
If you are failing to capture a clear pic of a smaller white insect/arthropod (rightfully so haha) in the potting media, it is possibly a springtail or isopod. Both are harmless, and actually quite beneficial to have.
I wondered if the white chunks were part of the potting bark mixture. I almost didn't ask except that I was panicking about white stuff. See, I am truly a novice!