Does the orchid get some nice gentle air-flow in the growing area?
Also, does water ever get trapped in between the leaves in the crown region?
Here, due to rotting - you could try applying a systematic treatment (eg. monterey garden-phos) or some similar phosacid treatment. Or maybe try a copper spray for orchids.
Provide suitable warm temperature for that orchid, and gentle air-flow in the growing area. Also, try to use airy-enough media so that air movement can get down in through the media and around the roots, and through the pot.
I always aim to not use decorative pots for my orchids in the tropics, that might cut down on air movement. Pots having big enough holes, and enough holes down at the bottom can also help with the air-movement. Gives roots some breathing space and breathing time, and helps with water (and oxygen content) movement.
Also, I try to avoid having water 'stew' in an orchid pot (such as hang around the media for relatively long amounts of time) ----- just to avoid root drowning issues and/or bacterial/fungal issues.
Last edited by SouthPark; 11-12-2020 at 08:53 AM..