Selective overnight wilt on (dendrobium?) bulbs
Greetings, dear orchid lovers,
I write in complete despair - one of my beautiful plants (I am guessing it is a type of dendrobium, as I've never seen it bloom and the person who shared the plant with me doesn't know what it is )) went from gorgeous to monstered overnight.
As you can see in the photos, it wilted selectively, with a yellow tint, on a portion of a two-year-old cane, a budding new growth, a section of the oldest cane (from which all these growths began) as well as some roots (again, selectively, and only green tips of the roots).
I've had it for about a year and a half. Growth A is from last year, has just sent out some beautiful roots which seem to be unaffected at the moment. Growth B is from this year, it is just getting ready to send out new roots.
Conditions: grown indoors in medium to coarse bark, repotted about a week ago. Receives full morning sun, shaded afternoon sun. Watered when almost dry - although, I believe, I was constantly overwatering it for the first six months I had it.
About a month and a half ago I used KelpMax at three waterings, after that I have been using a dilute application of 30-5-10 fertilizer (@100ppm N, without pre-wetting the roots) at all following waterings.
Over the last month the plant also has received two applications of beneficial microorganism mix (Bacillus subtillis + others) and an application of Trichoderma natural fungucide last week - all at recommended prevention dosages.
I would greatly appreciate any comments on:
- what this might be - fungal, too much fertilizer, long-term overwatering, etc?
- as well as how to proceed - do I cut off deseased sections, treat with fungicide, do nothing, etc?
Thank you in advance to all participating in the discussion!