Originally Posted by Roberta
The mix that you used is fine. Now, put it on your calendar to do it again in about 5 days. And then 5 days after that. And so forth... The "contact" spray kills the adults that it hits. Hidden ones may survive, and also larvae and eggs will survive. .
Thank you! It's good to know that I'm finally doing something correct! I will be spraying with neem oil more more then.
---------- Post added at 07:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------
Originally Posted by estación seca
Don't cut off any roots. You can't tell which are truly dead.
Thank you Estacion! What about roots that are covered in white fuzzy mold?
I recently got a new Cattleya, and the roots were soooo dried up. I watered it fairly thoroughly, then a couple of days later, mold grew on a few roots. I don't think I can attribute this to my own actions, since all I did was water it. I didn't repot it yet.
Does the situation sound like the roots died and after I watered it just decomposed?