This is as a continuation to this story:
OH NO! Bugs...
So a week ago I washed the entire Schilleriana (my baby one, cause it's so small) with water and a bit of soap and I tried to get everything off that was visible. I then repotted it. Of course I'm also keeping it separate from my other plants.
But then three days ago I saw another one. Oh yeah, these pesky bugs aren't gone yet. I didn't suspect they would be, the thing is I noticed it seems like there's a tiny white dot right in the crown. I mean it's so deep in there it's impossible to get it. These little bugs really know how to hide well.
Anyway I've researched online, and I saw this neem oil thing. And I was prepared to make a "mixture" myself with it, "recipes" can be found online too... So as I was looking to order online, I found this bottle of mixture on Amazon it said against insects like mealybugs. So I decided to give it a try.
So one of the ingredients is neem oil, but it seems like this thing does not need to be mixed with anything else, it seems like it can just be sprayed on. Has anyone seen this before? So I tried it Wednesday for the first time. I hope it works.
So the thing is called Garten Gluck, Leaf Spots and it's German I believe. On the top of the ingredients list it says water and then Polysorbate 20, neem oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, potassium sorbate and ascorbic acid.
Another thing I was thinking, maybe I shouldn't have repotted it right away? There may still be bugs hiding on the roots.
By the way I noticed that one of the leaves on the Schilleriana is starting to dry up, and it's not the bottom leaf.
I hope this poor baby plant will make it. (I say it's a baby, because it's so small.)
The thing is, I keep on checking all my other plants and so far I haven't seen any bugs on any other plants. Not even on the two that I bought at the same time as the Schilleriana.