Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ?
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Old 07-20-2020, 09:21 AM
Orchid Chikk Aussie Land Orchid Chikk Aussie Land is offline

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Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ? Female
Default Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ?

Hi gals and guys . .
I'm holding back the tears,
Thinking Now,
All my gorgeous orchids,
:'( May have a Virus ?

I got this one orchid only a few weeks ago . .
For some reason,
I couldn't sleep on Saturday night . .
Thinking, something Wasn't right !
So Sunday,
I did my usual Check,
And found this one with these Marks
Other than that,
It looks healthy 😩

I'm not an expert,
And that's a Given,
That's Why I'm Asking for your Help
And Advice please ?
My heart is 💔
I'm so Angry with myself !
I don't know, What else I can do ?
It has been with other orchids 😩
And when I look back,
At some of the pictures,
It was there, How did I Miss it ! ?
O M G I Should wear my 👓
But it Wasn't what is Looks Now !

I'm Shattered 😭

Thanks for any Help.
Last 2 pictures,
I've just taken.
Attached Thumbnails
Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ?-imag5923-jpg   Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ?-imag5916-jpg   Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ?-imag6111-jpg   Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ?-imag6112-jpg   Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ?-imag6114-jpg  

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Old 07-20-2020, 09:48 AM
SouthPark SouthPark is offline
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OCAL --- most likely no problem. Some of my cyms that I bought have similar markings like that. I don't think it's due to virus. I think the alarm bells only come on if the whole plant - like every leaf starts to develop really unusual patterns. But when you see patches like that on a cym, or on some oncidium leaves ----- it's generally nothing bad.

Just provide the occasional fertiliser and the occasional mag-cal, and all should be fine.

And maintain gentle air movement in the growing area.
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Old 07-20-2020, 10:05 AM
Orchid Chikk Aussie Land Orchid Chikk Aussie Land is offline

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Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ? Female

Originally Posted by SouthPark View Post
OCAL --- most likely no problem. Some of my cyms that I bought have similar markings like that. I don't think it's due to virus. I think the alarm bells only come on if the whole plant - like every leaf starts to develop really unusual patterns. But when you see patches like that on a cym, or on some oncidium leaves ----- it's generally nothing bad.

Just provide the occasional fertiliser and the occasional mag-cal, and all should be fine.

And maintain gentle air movement in the growing area.
Thank you very much for your reply 👍
I've been having a Melt Down 😭
Think all my time spent with the orchids,
Nurturing, etc etc
I killed them with kindness,
And Adding a sick plant to my Collection.

My Understanding,
Is it can be Present on 1 leaf,
And some show No symptoms as all 😩

There's plenty of air flow . .
I will get some Mag-Cal,
As I don't have any.
But I do fertilize them.

Last thing, I wouldn't won't to do,
Is make them sick 😩
And it being My Fault.

Thanks again x
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Old 07-20-2020, 10:27 AM
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Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ?

if i can share one bit of plant care advice....while i love all my plants and anthropomorphize then a is way better to be scientific as opposed to emotional.

if you keep many plants it is a question of when and why, not if some die...don't beat yourself up, just learn and do better

(your posts are very fun to read, very whimsical. I just fear you will be "💔" a lot if you don't learn to compost a few mistakes a long the way
All the ways I grow are dictated by the choices I have made and the environment in which I live. Please listen and act accordingly
Rooted in South Florida....

Zone 10b, Baby! Hot and wet

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Old 07-20-2020, 11:12 AM
Orchid Chikk Aussie Land Orchid Chikk Aussie Land is offline

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Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ? Female

Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts View Post
if i can share one bit of plant care advice....while i love all my plants and anthropomorphize then a is way better to be scientific as opposed to emotional.

if you keep many plants it is a question of when and why, not if some die...don't beat yourself up, just learn and do better

(your posts are very fun to read, very whimsical. I just fear you will be "💔" a lot if you don't learn to compost a few mistakes a long the way
Thanks very much for your reply,
Much appreciated.

I have Really Bad, OCD
Part of my problem
And I cannot help that.

I'm still learning, Specially about Orchids . .
They are Not like my every day garden plants.
It Fear, as to Why I haven't them sooner,
As too, Growing them myself.
I know what I'm doing, with my other plants,
And I've taught myself,
Some plants like more water,
Succulents don't,
I've taught and learnt a lot,
Just from my plants 🙂
So I'm confident with these.
Does that make sense ?

Orchids, on the other hand,
Well, we Always learn something new everyday . .
Given I'm not as confident,
And then these Marks,
Different patterns etc show up,
And I'm going O M G 🤔😩
What's this ?
So I do a Google Search,
And it comes up very similar 😩
And by then, I'm doubting myself,
What have I done 😩

And I get What you are saying,
I really do 🙂
But IF it's a Virus,
And it Spreads,
It's not just one plant then,
I would loose my whole collection ?
And that's Heartbreaking, just to think of.
I even Asked a neighbour,
She said, " It looks like Black Spot,
Like tomatoes get "
OMGosh 😭

When in Doubt,
I'm Ask,
Like I have now . .

( Thank you so very much for your lovely comments. I'm a Crazy Aussie Land Chick 🤣 )
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Old 07-20-2020, 11:46 AM
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Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ? Female

First, I have had Cym leaves look much worse than that... and test negative. The only way that virus can be diagnosed is by testing - either a lab, or test strip. The leaf tip browning is very likely just buildup of salts - fertilizer, hard water, or combination of the two. Plenty of Cyms that are exhibited have clipped leaves to improve the aesthetics. I don't bother unless one is really ugly, or I am exhibiting the plant. The markings in the 3rd picture could be sunburn, or fungal or just general Cym crud.

I do recommend keeping a stash of test strips. The ones I know about are Rega (from Taiwan) and Agdia (from the US) - I don't know what might be available to you. Also, I expect that there are labs that will test a sample that you send them....given the size of the Australian Cymbidium-growing industry, I am sure that at least one exists. Also note... viruses are not all THAT contagious... if you use good hygiene when potting or any other time that you make a cut on a plant (sterile tools, newspaper or other covering on surfaces, clean gloves or handwashing between plants) you greatly reduce the spread of bad stuff even if present. But back to your plant, I don't think so, but test if you are suspicious.
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:04 PM
Carebear2 Carebear2 is offline

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Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ?

I don't think anybody is ever an expert but it helps to get others opinions sometimes.
That said Roberta has given a good answer, mostly not to worry.

If you have not been sharing water or using the same cutting tools between the plants then a virus -if present - won't have spread to other plants.

Viruses are very rare and hard to detect without testing, a virus can also be present and not show any symptoms on the plant at all.

So it is mostly breeders that do cloning where the virus will always perpetuate that are most keen to not have any viruses - the most pronounce effect will be a weakened plant and hard to spot with the naked eye.

Spots on leaves do occur for many other reasons, sun damage, nutrient deficiencies, insect bites, sometimes hard to judge. I think I recently killed a leaf by having it stand too close to my kettle. I still am wondering about that one but that comes with growing orchids.

I too suffer from OCD and think I did more harm than good starting to expand my collection but I won't go back now, I'll just try and keep finding the flowers I want (usually I end up with something close but the OCD people are never satisfied with close enough are they ).
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:14 PM
Orchid Chikk Aussie Land Orchid Chikk Aussie Land is offline

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Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ? Female

Originally Posted by Roberta View Post
First, I have had Cym leaves look much worse than that... and test negative. The only way that virus can be diagnosed is by testing - either a lab, or test strip. The leaf tip browning is very likely just buildup of salts - fertilizer, hard water, or combination of the two. Plenty of Cyms that are exhibited have clipped leaves to improve the aesthetics. I don't bother unless one is really ugly, or I am exhibiting the plant. The markings in the 3rd picture could be sunburn, or fungal or just general Cym crud.

I do recommend keeping a stash of test strips. The ones I know about are Rega (from Taiwan) and Agdia (from the US) - I don't know what might be available to you. Also, I expect that there are labs that will test a sample that you send them....given the size of the Australian Cymbidium-growing industry, I am sure that at least one exists. Also note... viruses are not all THAT contagious... if you use good hygiene when potting or any other time that you make a cut on a plant (sterile tools, newspaper or other covering on surfaces, clean gloves or handwashing between plants) you greatly reduce the spread of bad stuff even if present. But back to your plant, I don't think so, but test if you are suspicious.

Thank you very much for your reply,
I really appreciate it.

I understand what you're saying,
Maybe it's me 😩
I'm the problem !
I just don't won't to get it Wrong,
I've already been beating myself up !

I sent off an email for the Agdia Test,
I got a reply today . .
This was on there Website,
And from Tasmania,
Cost was $ 325
Postage, Etc $225
Or send a leaf, $24
I'm wondering IF I can find someone in Melbourne Australia . .
I will look into it.
And see What I can find ..

Looking at that one plant,
It didn't look right 🤔
Then the difference in colours,
Added to the mix 😩
Then doing a Google Search,
It was looking very similar,
Well, my heart sank !
The pictures, the write ups
All led to a melt down 😭
And I'm pretty much a perfectionist,
Doesn't work well 😢

Asking my neighbour,
Who worked in a Garden World
She was like " I don't know How,
You are going to rid of that,
Good luck " !

I hear you 🙂
Thanks again x
Testing is next . .
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:33 PM
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Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ? Female

Do look into the Rega test strips... they work on a much smaller sample than the Agdia strips (which are totally absurdly priced for you anyway). Even if you have to buy a box of 50 (they have very good lasting power) price not horrid. But for a one-off, if you can find a local lab, that would be great. If you can't find one with an internet search, if you have a Cym grower with whom you have a relationship (have bought plants, society speaker, etc) they'd very likely tell you who they use.
Orchids teach patience!

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Old 07-20-2020, 12:43 PM
Orchid Chikk Aussie Land Orchid Chikk Aussie Land is offline

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Noticed what I'm thinking Is a Virus :( ? Female

Originally Posted by Carebear2 View Post
I don't think anybody is ever an expert but it helps to get others opinions sometimes.
That said Roberta has given a good answer, mostly not to worry.

If you have not been sharing water or using the same cutting tools between the plants then a virus -if present - won't have spread to other plants.

Viruses are very rare and hard to detect without testing, a virus can also be present and not show any symptoms on the plant at all.

So it is mostly breeders that do cloning where the virus will always perpetuate that are most keen to not have any viruses - the most pronounce effect will be a weakened plant and hard to spot with the naked eye.

Spots on leaves do occur for many other reasons, sun damage, nutrient deficiencies, insect bites, sometimes hard to judge. I think I recently killed a leaf by having it stand too close to my kettle. I still am wondering about that one but that comes with growing orchids.

I too suffer from OCD and think I did more harm than good starting to expand my collection but I won't go back now, I'll just try and keep finding the flowers I want (usually I end up with something close but the OCD people are never satisfied with close enough are they ).
Thanking you kindly, for your reply,
Much better with some of all you lovely people,
Giving Advice,
And even comfort, as I honestly,
Thought the worst !
That's Why, when in doubt,
I reach out . .
And take the Advice & Help on board 🙂

Well probably not experts,
But a lot of Knowledge,
We never know everything . .

I haven't been able to get Mentholated Spirits,
It's off the shelves, as soon as it arrives 😩

But I've been doing,
A Bleach Mix,
I was told, that works too . .

OK, I did read that,
And I have got an understanding,
But really Questioning a couple of them 🤔🤔
Panic and heartbroken, Set in faster than anything,
My Bad.

I'm getting Now 🙂
I did read it Can be hard to detect,
But then there's pictures, that are very clear,
And I was going by that . .
Google Isn't always our best friend.
And my lack of confidence,
Doesn't help either.
Given how much of my day,
I spend with these gorgeous orchids,
I really did Panic !
Worst thing to do,
Then I also, felt a tad embarrassed too
Thinking the worst of course !

Spots Don't work well for me,
Clearly you can tell
So I get what you mean about leaves

Ohh damn 😩
And the kettle, may have been the heat also . .
Kinda like being out on a warmer day
It just Didn't like it.

Glad you kept on with your Collection 😍
How good is it,
When you are Greated with all beautiful orchid flowers 😍😍
Come flower season 🙂
Although, sometime the wait,
For them to grow and open . .
OCD is a Shocker to live with 😢
But we learn to live with it.
And no, you're correct

Thanks again x

---------- Post added at 01:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Roberta View Post
Do look into the Rega test strips... they work on a much smaller sample than the Agdia strips (which are totally absurdly priced for you anyway). Even if you have to buy a box of 50 (they have very good lasting power) price not horrid. But for a one-off, if you can find a local lab, that would be great. If you can't find one with an internet search, if you have a Cym grower with whom you have a relationship (have bought plants, society speaker, etc) they'd very likely tell you who they use.
Thank you.
I will definitely look in to it . .
Very Helpful 👍

Will keep looking,
Will keep Searching . .
And yes that price tag,
Was Madness 😬
I'm happy to pay for it, a Kit etc
But that was very costly !

Got a couple of Contacts,
Good thinking,
I will make some calls tomorrow . .

Thanks again

Last edited by Orchid Chikk Aussie Land; 07-20-2020 at 01:01 PM..
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heart, orchids, pictures, thinking, virus

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