Many, many thanks to everyone here at the OB who provide us all with growing advice and encouragement.

I didn’t think I’ll see any blooms because the leaves have turned yellow.
I am now experiencing all the rave about the Cycnodes Wine Delight’s cherry-scent and beautiful blossoms.

My ‘Cycnoches lehmannii x Mormodes sinuata’ bloomed and I’ve not owned any orchids, other than the Phaleanopsis.
Imagine my delight on September 17 when I discovered buds. The blooms have just fully opened and they look and smell great.
I was just wondering if there’s anything I need to do differently next year so that I could get bigger and glossy-(er) blooms. This year, they have been growing directly under 1200w grow lights from July up to now. Humidity range 50-70, daytime temps 31/18 at night in the summer, 26 daytime and 16 at night right now, grown in bark.
Next year, I will plant it in a smaller pot, as was suggested here and try PET once I see new growth with new root but I won’t water till new roots are 5” long.
I haven’t touched the pollen to see if it will eject onto my finger.ill try not to scream when it does

. I also wonder if these are male or female or if there really is such a thing.
Could it be that the blooms will get glossier as it opens up some more, or if I expose it to sun (need to check forecast for that); or could it be that they’re not as glossy because they’re not the JEMs?
I also didn’t fertilize regularly after I saw the buds, thinking that I’ll blast them buds-possibly.
Anyways, I’m feeling super happy, given that I’ve not seen these types of orchids, specially the scented once (I wish our monitors have ‘scratch and sniff-ability’ because my friends and coworkers are at awed about these scented orchids...they don’t believe I’ll have a chocolate-vanilla-cherry scented room once the buds on my Oncidium twinkle and O. sharry baby red fantasy open hopefully while wine delight is still in bloom