I got this bulbo at an openhouse in early March of this year . I repotted it right away in semi-hydro and it took off nicely growing one new pseudobulb and roots very quickly. After a while I noticed sunken brown spots on the new pseudobulb and decided to cut it off. I then sprayed the whole plant in hydrogen peroxide...
after a few weeks it started growing another new pseudobulb and much to my excitement this one looked healthy... until I peaked inside it's drying sheath and found this damage:
Obviously the hydrogen peroxide did nothing

I recently got some Physan so I plan on making the recommended solution and soaking the entire plant, leca, and pot.
My question is, do I HAVE to cut off this new pseudobulb to prevent whatever-it-has from spreading?? Or will the Physan soak take care of it.
I don't want to get rid of it because of all these new ROOTS it has put out through the new pseudobulb.
What do you think? Can I get away with not getting rid it?
Here are some photos of damage on other parts of the plant. Some older pseudobulbs have had those dark spots for a while now. I thought they were sunburns or something. They have not gotten worse or changed at all.
Leaf damage: