Thank you all for your help! I assumed it was fusarium based on small orange balls that appear on the roots not the white fuzz. But then the white fuzz confused me if it resulted from the balls or from being overwatered soaking.
Anyways, I cut off all the roots because none were salvageable. I let it dry out for a week or more to ensure all the slimy white died. It didn’t look like there was any crown rot so that was exciting! I gave it a good cleaning and put it in a small cup with water at the bottom for two days (i figured since there are no roots i had to do something to “awaken” her. I then potted it into a fresh bark, pumice, charcoal mix and have been watering regularly. She’s severely dehydrated because there are no roots but trooping through! There are bumps of two new roots about to pop through so hopefully she can make it!
I have no idea what im doing I figured it was better to try what i could to save her so if she died at least i tried. Fingers crossed!!