Originally Posted by Dulcinea
I’m have Monterey Garden Phos. I fertilize with Michigan State University orchid fertilizer. I will also try calcium. I have oyster shell I use in some of my hoyas. Will that work or Should I use something else. I do t think that using the phos can hurt. What do you think! The brassavolas I’ve lost were hugs and wonderful until they started with the black rot as I call it. It sent from bulb to bulb. The only thing that has stopped it is the sulphur and I thought a drench would be much easier. I’ll gore
It now and check the mix and the roots.
Oyster shell works just fine.
I had the same experience. At the time, nothing orchid-related on the internet explained what was happening...until I thought about how tomatoes and other plants sometimes have similar issues if they are deprived of Calcium. As long as I see that my orchids have plenty of Calcium, I haven't had any trouble since.
I used an MSU fertilizer for rainwater and it just wasn't enough Calcium. No idea why.
As the orchid grows, it will use Calcium as it makes new cells. These cells, fortified with the Calcium, are able to withstand attacks of fungus and bacteria much easier. If the orchid doesn't get enough Calcium when making the cells, it is very susceptible to fungus/bacterial issues. So, treating the orchid with Sulfur or any fungicide to kill the current infection should help until the orchid begins developing new growth with Calcium-fortified cells.