Orchid yellow leaves and spots - Album on Imgur
The photos are attached as well as at this imgur link. I recently retrieved a plant from my friend's home and brought it back with me. The day after I brought it home I discovered a yellowing leaf and the second leaf was beginning to yellow. I took it out of the potting medium and discovered that although most of the medium was bark, there was sphagnum in the middle that was very very damp and there were rotted roots. I removed the rotted roots by pulling off the squishy parts but leaving the center of the actual roots and then treated the roots with hydrogen peroxide. I then washed with water and repotted in bark.
The following day, today, I have found that the yellowing has progressed on those initial two leaves (expected) but now I see yellowing beginning at the ends of 2 new leaves. I don't know if I didn't do the right thing or that this may be a bacterial infection and not root rot?
I have attached photos of the leaves they have some small spots on a couple of them. I tried wiping them away with alcohol and a q tip but they will not wipe, they are part of the leaf and hard. I haven't seen any bugs and none of the other orchids that were next to this plant for a day seem to be infected.
Can anyone give any advice? Should I cut off the yellow parts?
I gave the plant 2 cubes of ice when I brought it home and washed the roots with water after the hydrogen peroxide wash but otherwise haven't given it much water really so hopefully I am not overwatering it. There are 6 leaves in total, 5 of them were shriveled like they had been underwatered when I received it but there is a 6th new leaf that does not look shriveled. So far it seems that 4/6 leaves are not in different stages of yellowing. Please help, thank you.