Crown rot or stem rot? What to do?
This is my it in January. It bloomed, then the stem started going the leaves are mushy at the base and falling off. I think I may have gotten water in the crown, but I think it could be the stem. Please help...thank you!
The roots are definitely smushed. I didn’t realize it was in a an interior plastic pot, which I just cut off. I appreciate the links, but have an extremely difficult time reading through all of this these days (age related ADD? No idea :|) mind is all over the place. I have a gut feeling on what I should do...maybe just say yes or no...???
• Rinse all dirt off root ball
• Rinse roots off gently with slightly soapy water
• Trim the stem all the way down (the shoot that flowered before)
• Let the roots float freely in a vase of water for now
• Eventually repot in loose soil with air holes
Thank you all so much!
Last edited by mlindholm; 05-21-2020 at 07:16 PM..