Back again! I just used some Yates 'liquid copper' spray and sprayed it a healthy Den. moschatum with it. Will report back in maybe a few weeks time or so on this one.
It'll be interesting to see what happens, if anything.
The "word on the street" is to never spray dendrobiums with copper compounds.
Phyton is a copper sulfate solution and it the traditionally used product here. The Southern Ag product is based upon copper diammonium acetate. All the Yates material I can find just refers to a copper ammonium complex.
I know copper sulfate can be used as a herbicide...
The "word on the street" is to never spray dendrobiums with copper compounds.
That's the word that I saw a lot too in the past and remember very clearly too. Some people then mentioned uncertainty about this. And I recall at least some mentioning no problem - for at least their own particular type(s) of dendrobium.
Just testing for interest ------ at least starting with one kind of dendrobium. Hopefully no issues!
Back again ..... around 11 days or so ago, I decided to test Yates liquid copper spray on a Den. moschatum.
The photo just after the spraying from that time is at Click Here.
No problems seen for this particular orchid after spraying.
A photo taken today is attached with this post. If I do spot any issue within the next couple of weeks, then I'll report it. But if no update ------ then it will mean no issues with this particular plant.