Originally Posted by Roberta
cut out the affected area with a single-edge single use razor blade
It is probably offensive to just say razor blade, because the member is from Switzerland. It should be 'Swiss Army Knife'.
heheh ..... that was a joke only.
It could definitely be fungal. Totally agree.
Petyr ----- putting jokes aside now ..... for your growing area, do you have some air-movement? Some air circulation/air-movement can help cut down or even prevent fungal or bacterial issues.
If you've been using a new fertiliser, and both plants are exposed to the same fertiliser, then it could just mean that the fertiliser isn't the issue here.
Totally agree with D.C. Keep an eye on this one - monitor the situation closely. If you do have some treatments (eg. agri-fos or cleary's 3336 etc), then have it ready - waiting in the wings. Just in case.