Please help me figure out what’s wrong and how to help heal my pteroceras semiteretifolium.
She arrived in the mail in March with the black spot on the stem/crown area, this week, I noticed the yellow spots on the leaf.
Thanks for your responses, here are more details.
Reported in orchiata bark (I removed the sphagnum moss-I thought maybe that was causing the yellow and black spots). I used distilled water since March, but I will have to switch to RO- 18.9 L of distilled water in jugs are not available in stores right now, day 80f, night 68f, fertilize once a week, grown indoors, east facing window 2.5 ft away from the window covered with sheer curtain and I put under grow lamp with 7 other orchids when cloudy outside, fan is on, not directly aimed at the plants, every 3 hours that’s on for 1.5 hrs. humidity range 40% to 45%. The plant is in a 1.5” pot, not mounted and not hanging upside down.
Image is not upside anymore - I hope, I re-uploaded

Thank you.