Hi everyone,
I received a Cuitlauzina pendula last fall. It wasn’t in the best condition and I had to remove all the roots. After several months, it now grows really well, has nice plump Pseudobulbs and has a nice flower spike coming on at the moment.
I started noticing a few black, round bugs with long „horns“ crawling on the plant when I watered it under the sink. I saw some maybe eating some happy sap (not sure though) but otherwise they seem to live in the media. I don’t see any damage on the plant and given the look of the pseudobulbs and the fact that it doesn’t wiggle in the pot anymore, I don’t think they eat the roots. Any idea what those are?
Last time I watered I also saw some pests that look like thrips to me (Long and silvery), in addition to the other round bugs. I noticed these in the media of other plants too but can’t see any damage, or the bugs on the top parts of the plants. Could they be detritivorous thrips?