Assuming some of the roots are still alive, you can also rehabilitate a root system by using what is called "vase culture". It would help you visualize this cultural method to look up pictures of "vase culture".
Get a vase, or clean glass jar, in which you can hang the roots, with the plant supported by the leaves on the rim of the vase. Fill the jar with water once a day, just enough for most of the roots to be immersed in water, but keeping the leaves out of the water. Soak the roots up to one half hour, then DRAIN off all of the water. The roots stay dry until the next day, then you repeat. Keep doing that until new roots form. You can grow a Phalaenopsis for many years in vase culture, with no bark or other medium, even bloom them that way. No plastic bag tent over the plant needed in your climate and humidity.
Last edited by Orchid Whisperer; 04-17-2020 at 08:52 PM..