There is nothing wrong with that plant!
My Sorcerer's Apprentice lives out on my deck up against the north wall of my home, so never gets any direct light, and it has done the same from time to time. The plant has red in its genes, and that'll sometimes be shown in the foliage.
Magnesium deficiency emanates as pale green to yellow, not purple. If you do have a mag deficiency, as much as a tablespoon of Epsom Salts per gallon isn't going to hurt anything.
I am curious about what "150 ppm MSU and cal-mag" truly means. 150 ppm TDS or 150 ppm N? Which MSU formula? Cal-mag formula? How much of each per gallon? Based upon the original statement, I think you could be either underfeeding in general, or overdosing the calcium.