Originally Posted by Cristy2430
Hi! My name is CristyZM . I live in Miami. I have a lots of dendrobium orchids attached to a palm tree for about 5-6 years and they always did fine. Recently I noticed that the new spikes where drying up before the flower will come out and that the roots where become black ( not mushy), like a black dirt on it.
Does black-coloured region powdery? Does it transfer to your finger as dark coloured powder etc? If the issue is fungicide related, then a systematic fungicide treatment might help. A systematic fungicide for orchids at recommended dosage. Drench the whole plant - roots, leaves and all.
Totally agree with what alice recommended too. Grab some divisions or keiki's, and treat them too, and plant those separately. Spread the eggs out in different baskets.
If the orchid had been growing well for 5 or 6 years in that spot, then the chances are it should be able to keep growing like that. But, all the same ----- take some divisions, and make some backups, just in case.