I doubt anyone can give an accurate diagnosis without testing.
Entirely speculation on my part, but it seems to me that if those are the result of water droplets hanging around, fungus is likely, and if they are the result of insect bites, they'd be more likely to be bacterial.
If it is bacterial, the Physan won't do much, as it is a topical treatment, not systemic. Believe it or not, so,time it's better to smear a small amount of an antibacterial ointment like Neosporin on the lesion.
Prevention of such damage is primarily cultural - water early in the day so plants can dry completely by nightfall, protect from rain and insects - but I have found that regular treatment of my plants with Inocucor Garden Solution keeps much if not all of that at bay. It is a blend of multiple beneficial bacteria and fungi that kill pathogens, exude antibiotics to prevent future infections, and stimulate growth.