Hiya folks!
Two years ago I bought a Phal hybrid at a garden centre, it has lived with my Mum for a bit and I only got it back a couple weeks ago.
Something happened with the leaves - they are very pale and thinner than usual. They feel strappy and not very firm at all. I have had dehydrated Phals before and it's definitely not that.
The roots are healthy and green - I took it out of its pot and put in fresh substrate when I got it back.
The stem looks fine as far as I can tell.
It has formed a flower spike, but unlike any I have seen before, very tall and branching to the sides. All in all it just doesn't look the way it's supposed to and I'm fearing this may be its last effort going into producing a huge towering flower stem!
I have checked for pests but that's not the problem. It could be a cultural problem or a disease, I've searched all over the forum and online but couldn't find anything that resembled my troubles. It lived on an sunny windowsill at my mother's house, watered once a week and fed with an orchid feed all through the growing season.
In the photos please ignore the huge burnt patches on the upper leaves, that happened through scorching and is another story...
My questions are:
1) Does anyone know what this condition is and what caused it?
2) Would you suggest I remove the flower spike so that no energy is wasted on flowering?
Thank you so much in advance - I know it's just an unnamed hybrid, but I still love the damned thing.
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