Originally Posted by Ridley Ann
I have some spots on my oncidium that either I just haven’t noticed or have just started showing up. Is this something I need to be concerned about? Should I spray with hydrogen Peroxide just in case?
If the spots are due to sucking insects, then probably better off spraying the leaves with a soap solution for plants, like natra soap or something.
Give the plant leaves and roots good air circulation - all of the time, and if you can ----- just water the growing media and roots only.
Check to see if there are signs of 'scale insect' on the leaves. If there are signs of that, then may need to use a cloth or something with soap solution to remove them. Followed by a nice spray of soap solution on the leaves. And if any water happens to get into the crown area, then might have to tip the plant upside down to get rid of any water buildup.