My one and only zygopetalum is in dire straights. Its largest pseudobulb was rotting, and it definitely needed care ASAP. Except I didn't provide it in time.
Trigger warnings: orchid surgery, rot, sorry-looking pseudobulbs. You have been warned.
If you have any advice for me, I'd love to have it.
To see just how bad things are, click the link below:
In my experience, zygo's are really touchy about the depth they are planted - the rhizome should be right at the surface, and not submerged in the medium at all.
Yes I heard about that! So I tried my best to keep them right on top of the media, but perhaps it still wasn't enough. I'll pay even more attention to it in the future though.
The last zyg I bought developed a rotting bulb. I still had 2 other bulbs so I grabbed the rotten bulb and twisted it like a screw. It unscrewed from the plant perfectly leaving a little rotten cavity behind. That dried up nicely and the plant recovered.
Give it a better medium so it does not happen again.
Right just watched your surgery video... You definetely let it spread quite a bit. Hope for the best I guess
Last edited by Swimmingorchids; 07-12-2019 at 12:47 PM..