Okay, so I took more readings today because it's sunnier.
Back porch:
Front porch:
And almost in direct sun:
Are these readings seriously correct? I've heard phals are plants that can be grown in windowsills...yet my brightest windowsill is around 38 fc. Any areas that even remotely come close to the suggested 1,500 fc are ones that get direct sunlight at some point in the day. Please help me out here...
Phals generally like indirect light, so it depends on what windowsill you place it. Mine are in a North window and I still need a sheer on the window as it is too much sun for them. I have a light meter but I really don't use it. I watch my plants and see how they are reacting to their environment.
Your meter seems to show very low readings. You should go to a professional photography store and ask how to calibrate a light meter. I would also check the sensor, could it be dirty?
Indirect light is not bright at all, and although many plants will grow in insufficient light, they usually won't bloom.
All (every single one) my phals grow and rebloomed in my indirect light. I have direct and even lights for other plants. It depends on the plant. Here are a few:
Last edited by wintergirl; 04-15-2015 at 02:06 AM..