Hi everyone/Marty,
Hoping to get an answer to this quickly because I'm leaving town for two months and all I have is my trusty
Mistking to keep things alive!
I have a setup of 4 exoterra tanks (2 on either side of the hall), each with 4 nozzles each (16 nozzles) and powered by a single pump (the lower power one). Each tank has 2 single head nozzles and a single two-head nozzle. The reservoir is below the level of the nozzles, and the pump is below the level of the reservoir.
The nozzles for each tank is connected in series. From the pump, I have one T junction going to either set of 2 tanks, and then another T junction for each of the two branches going to each tank.
My question is, a few of my nozzles aren't
misting properly - they are just spluttering. Strangely, when I swap them around with other nozzles, it's always the same position that is affected, suggesting that the nozzle isn't the culprit. I have been
misting so far by
misting two tanks at a time - somehow if pump the water input directly into each set of two tanks, it works fine, but if I try to mist all 4 at once, then I get the spluttering or even no
misting at all.
I've run CLR through all the nozzles several times to dissolve deposits, and I use RO water.
Any ideas? Could it be the connectors that have deposits? Any idea why this should happen?

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