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Old 09-07-2013, 11:30 AM
HighSeas HighSeas is offline
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Default Picking your brain on Proportioners!

We're getting SO close to this orchid house being done! I know my husband will be happy when it is! Football season is here!

I've been to Ray's place and read the information on proportioners....siphon -vs- metered. Apparently the siphon mixers aren't as accurate when determining ppm and the 'metered' offer greater accuracy and are more versatile in terms of how you can deliver your grog.

Of course, the 'metered' variety is more expensive...

For those of you who use one or the other, what do you like, dislike about your system and which would you recommend?

I have a 25 Gallon tank and I know I'll need a pump. Question is, there are a LOT of pumps out there of various capacities. I don't want my water to trickle out of the hose end....and I don't want a monsoon. How do I know the size of the pump I need? Got any ideas based on your experience?

I've looked and looked and don't see where anyone has posted a diagram of such a set up...tank, pump, porportioner. I'd like to run a misting system off the same tank too. Can anyone help me with this?

Thankie, Thankie, Thankie!!!!
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Old 09-07-2013, 07:50 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Old 09-08-2013, 11:05 AM
HighSeas HighSeas is offline
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Uhhhh....no one's going to take a shot at this? For those of you that have a lot of plants...how do you water ALL those plants? I'm taking care of an elderly parent with Alzheimer's, work a full time job, have two dogs, a husband and I'm just looking to streamline my watering days a bit.

Know what I mean?
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Old 09-09-2013, 04:25 AM
spetrizio spetrizio is offline
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in other post in GH section you mentioned that your GH size is 17x8. I suppose feet. if yes, it is small GH only 10% bigger than my GH. at the moment I have 200 plants and free space to add max 50-100 more plants.

I think it is still too small number of plants for automated watering and proportioners. additional problem is that there are very different species in different media, so the watering schedule is not the same.

what is your target number of plants? how many different species, in different pots and media? I suppose it is not the same solution for automated watering of plants hanging in baskets, mounted plants, plants in clay pots, plants in plastic pots, bark, sphagnum,...

running misting system from the same tank is not technical problem. but in that case you will spend a lot of fertiliser for nothing.

additionally misting systems for cooling are efficient in dry climates, but you are in Florida. I am not sure that misting is right choice for cooling in so humid climate. it depends also on how many direct sun you have in GH. more sun temp will rise, humidity going down and misting is more useful.

what do you plan for ventilation?
which species do you plan regarding temperature and humidity requirements?
I suppose there are many speicies that do not require any cooling in Florida.

sorry, I probably did not help a lot. too many questions too less answers.
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Old 09-09-2013, 03:57 PM
euplusia euplusia is offline
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In my greenhouse for 1000 orchids I use the following device for watering and fertilizing:
The water actually used is stored in a bucket containing 50 liters, made of plastic as it is used to puddle the mortar. A suction hose brings water over an electric pump to the pressure hose, which has about 3 bar. The pouring equipment with hand operated outlet ends in a fogg-it nozzle. Don't forget a filter.
An instrument to check the electric conductance in mikroSiemens is needed to measure out the amount of fertilizer added to the water in the bucket.
Watering 1000 plants takes about 60 to 80 minutes
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Old 09-11-2013, 10:05 PM
HighSeas HighSeas is offline
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Sounds interesting euplusia! Your setup sounds like it works quite nicely for you! Would love to see it!

Yes...my orchid house is relatively small. I'm fairly certain that it's big enough for me though. As much as I love my orchids, I don't have any plans for thousands of them!

I have a fan mounted on one end that puts out very nice air movement across the entirety of the space. Also, I live on the Gulf Coast so I get a really nice breeze most of the time anyway.

I've been growing my orchids outside for many many years. But herein lies the problem. I have over a hundred orchids. Some are under tree's. Some are in baskets. Some are in the house when it gets too hot and others are on various different patios. Needless to say, watering days are especially exciting! I'm running here and there and everywhere in this process AND dragging around a bucket with two gallons of my grog. I also have a bus-boy bucket that I purchased from Sam's and sometimes I use that for multiple plants....and I don't especially think THAT technique is very good for them. I'm always thinking that I'm going to spread a fungus or a virus not to mention critters. I think I've been REALLY lucky with that technique. Amazingly, my orchids have done quite well with not only softened water on one hand, but on the other side of the house, hard water with a TDS of 610 and chlorine.

I'd been watering with softened water for decades. When I stopped doing it, I noticed such a huge improvement in their growth and flowering. Not that they weren't growing or flowering....but there was definite improvement.

Then one day I decided that something had to give. It was just too much time. Did you know that there are ONLY 24 hours in a day?

So I decided that I needed an orchid house. I needed them all in one spot...or at least most of them in one spot. In addition, I decided to add RO water to my regimen.

I have to say that Ray at First Rays has helped me so much with the logistics and common sense of it all. It became so overwhelming. His site offered so much valuable information and he has been kind enough to guide me through this "plan". Thanks Ray!

Took the 25 Gallon tank back and exchanged it for a 65. I'm putting in one of his RO systems and I'm hooking up a "jet pump" and a Mini Dos 1% metering proportioner which will deliver my fertilizer in the ppm of my choice.

The 65 Gallon tank will be the cache for the RO system and a float valve will keep it from over-flowing. It's going to have an automatic "thingie" to turn the RO off and on automatically. Sorry...I forgot the name of that thing!

I'm dropping a submersible sump pump into the tank of clean pure water which will be put on a timer and run the misting system which I'm going to build myself. Errrrr....with the help of my husband!

For the rare occasion that it gets cold here, I've got a radiant heater AND I'm installing hardware to attach solar pool blankets (clear) around the outside of the orchid house.

I may put the fan on a timer during the winter. Otherwise, it's just going to stay on.

Whew. Do I have that right Ray?

I still plan to "hand water" my plants. Although the humidity is high here in Florida, I need the effect of evaporative cooling during the dead of summer. It gets HOT here. Even plants in the tropics get rained on and cooled down.

As far as my collection goes....I have a lot of plants in the Catt alliance....some dendrobiums....some bulbies....Vanda's, Grammatophyllums, phals, slippers who hate me, Oncidiums, Odondoglossums, Epidendrums, Encyclia, Cymbidiums, a few mounted and some little guys that I have NO earthly idea what they are....clay pots, some plastic, a few in S/H and a bonsai. All bark, some sphag for mounts. I have squirrels too. Want one? They are free.
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Old 09-13-2013, 05:38 PM
cgregory cgregory is offline

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just a thought Im doing a pond fogger for cooling and humid.
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Old 09-14-2013, 09:30 AM
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Air movement. Is important. You should get a fan on the interior to create gentle air movement 24/7/365.

What are you doing for shade? A greenhouse in the gulf coast can will be a steam cooker very soon after sunrise, otherwise.

Ray Barkalow
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Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 09-15-2013, 12:40 AM
HighSeas HighSeas is offline
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Mounted a fan. It's on 24/7 and does a great job, so far on just the medium setting. Low isn't bad either. I have Aluminet shade cloth at 70% and hope that helps keep some of the heat out. It's fairly comfortable in there...the fan makes all the difference in the world.

In the process of preparing the "floor" with weed cloth, hardware cloth, crushed rocks and pavers. (And moving some dirt) In Florida, we call "sand"; dirt. I feel like an ant.
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Old 09-17-2013, 01:07 PM
euplusia euplusia is offline
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Keeping the plants together in one place can save a lot of time.
Here is a photo of my watering equipment.
Prices are approx. in Euro:
Pump and filters 250 Euro
Mortar bucket 50 l 15 Euro
Outlet with nozzle 140 Euro
Hose, clamps, switch 40 Euro
Conductivity-meter 300 Euro
Attached Thumbnails
Picking your brain on Proportioners!-watering-equipment-jpg  

Last edited by euplusia; 09-17-2013 at 02:10 PM..
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