I'm looking for a piece of electronics that I'm not even sure exists, but figured you folks would know if anyone does!
I have a large wardian case (roughly 2' x 4' x 5'). Built into the case is a system whereby a humidistat on the top of the case controls whether or not a fogger + fan arrangement turns on. Below ~50% humidity, fogger and fan turn on, blow fog all around the inside of the cabinet; when the humidity gets up high enough, the system turns off again.
This is a homemade case (not by me, and beautifully done, but still not "professionally" manufactured). Right now, the cord for the humidistat is spliced together with an extension cord, into which the fogger + fan are plugged. Basically, the humidistat is working as a switch, which allows current to flow or not to the extension cord.
Now, I was a little leery of this splice when I first got the case, but it seems to work all right. Still, I've been meaning to see about doing something more durable / safe.
This weekend, the electronics associated with my case had a minor meltdown.

I knew I had too much stuff plugged into a couple of outlets, but for the first time I started having some problems with blown circuits, etc. (No fires or anything! Just stuff complaining about the conditions.) So this weekend was spent wiring in two brand new outlets -- each on their own independent circuits! -- and I'm looking at re-setting up the various electronics for the case. Now seemed like a good time to address the issue of the splice for the humidity system.
It seems to me that there should exist a sort of switch box that does the job of this splice -- something that the humidistat tells to turn on / off, which is what the fogger + fan are plugged into. Thinking about it now, I guess that's the job being done by the extension cord. But it seems like there ought to be something more official that would be a better, safer option than just splicing an extension cord into things.
Anyone have any ideas? Suggestions? Thanks!