I grow my orchids, 4 phals, 1 mini phal, and 2 ocidiums, on an island counter that divides my kitchen from my living room. I have no decent light from windows, so I have them under Led track lights, on a humidity tray. So far they're doing fine; coming out with new leaves, really healthy roots, good leaf color.

My question is, I have read that they need cool temps at night to rebloom. I have 3 phals and the 2 oncs that had finished blooming a while back, and although I'm getting lots of root and leaf growth, I see no sign of any new spikes forming.

I struggle with how to manage getting it cool for them and also, how to have air circulating, specifically thru the winter.

Should I put a small fan near by to move the air? Does it have to be fresh air? And back to the temp at night issue, I keep my house at about 62-65 thru the day/eve, then turn down the stat to 60 or so thru the night. Am I looking at a lost cause??
