Was speaking to a new member called FutoMaki in the Pleurothallid chat room and she showed me a picture of her stunning plant – Pleurothallis grobyi. I asked her how she was dealing with the extra humidity for mounted plants as she grows her orchids indoors. I did not realise from the picture what her plant was attached to until she explained.
The plant is attached to clay pot in the shape of a tube that is porous. You fill it with water and mount the plant outside. What a great idea. She gave me a link to the supplier of these;
Tonröhren - klein :: Schwerter Orchideenzucht
Thought I would share it with you all as I was really impressed with this and you can see for yourselves how the plant is doing!
I advised FutoMaki to post it on the board however she was somewhat reluctant due to her English even though her English is brilliant and I wish I could speak German how she was speaking English to me.
She gave me permission to post this including using her picture of her grobyi.
Well done FutoMaki!
(Hope this is the right section to put this thread in. Moderators please feel free to move it if required)