Originally Posted by subtle_variegation
I think the idea is that a second filter is first used so that there are less impurities going through the second one which supposedly "preserves" it. Once the bottom filter fouls, it is switched with the top initial filter.
Only the DI resin removes anything in such a system. There is no prefilter that can take dissolved solids out of the water.
I couldn't find the thread to the bypass valve option, do you have a link to it?
Many systems don't have such an option. They way it is done is by putting a TEE in the flush water line, with one side going through the restrictor and the other goes through a straight piece of tubing, into which there is a valve. Both lines are then rejoined with another TEE, flowing to the outfall.

When the valve is closed, the system operates normally. When the valve is open, there is no pressure to push water through the membrane, so all the water circulates around the membrane, "scrubbing" it and flushing excess away. You let it run for a few minutes, the close the valve again.