i have a love/hate relationship with flex seal.
here is my main concern- if it fails, at all, the tiniest hole will not only allow water in, but trap it there...failure in a year.
i have used it for about 15 prjects, the spray and the paint. I loved if for my rain barrel, hated it for repairing cracked pots, it SUCKS for mending a crack in plastic ( i tried to fix a garbage can and used tape as the fiber and it failed...a buddy tried to do a kayak :ROFL
it is a cool idea but i found the spray nozzle was awful and would only use the liquid.
i also have coated shelves LOL
BUT- i do like the idea and think i will experiment with a small office wire shelf i have.....in theory, it is an awesome idea, i just doubt the product and the individual applying it