Since i posted this I have been using 1 capful per two liters at every watering. I water by thoroughly
misting to the point of water runoff once daily (miniature plants on mounts)
I also water my Nepenthes and Heliamphora twice weekly by thoroughly drenching the pot. Coming back later and doing it once more. I flush once monthly.
I have not seen any changes in my orchids or Heliamphora,, however my Nepenthes clipeata, rajah, and spec. Nov. Sumatra have produced several basal growths. These are small plants in three inch net pots.... too small to normally produce basals, and I swear on my life they werent growing basals before I started using kelpmax.
I dont want to exhaust the primary plant by forcing it to produce basal plants, but i am not sure if basal growth "suck" nutrients from the main plant or not. I have not the main plant slowing down despite producjng basal growths.
I can say for sure that i do not believe overdosing hurts anything whatsoever, but i probably wasted a lot for no reason. I used up the very last of the bottle tonight.

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