ok here is the last one. I had to buy the sheet for this one so I used 1/2" thick. I made the slots non tapered and I glued plywood angles onto the bottom to get the tilt as I was not sure how flat the table is. plus it saved me 75.00
I also made a place to glue in a piece of screen to keep the stuff out. if the others become a issue I will cover the face with screen. but I will try a patch for right now. Plus one of the trellis that I just screw down where needed.
this new method would have let me use coroplast. thats that plastic signs stuff you see with a wire frame stuck in the ground for political signs and such. the 1/2" thick is plenty stiff lighter and only cost 42.00 though it could not have water channels in it but the slope would take care of that.