I just don't get it. I've had this light meter for several years. The grandkids love to play with it. I'm still not sure how to use it.
It's a basic HydroFarm light meter. Here's what the panel looks like...
It's hard to see, but the switch on right is simply ON/OFF. I get that part.
The other switch to the left has three settings:
0-199 200-1999 2000-5000
x1 X10 x100
I sit in same spot on my desk, no light directly hitting it, about two feet from windows:
Put it on the 0-199 (x1) it reads 80
Put it on the 200-1999 (x10) it reads 8.0
Put in on the 2000-5000 (x100) it reads .8
Put it on a windowsill with sun shining in window:
Put it on the 0-199 (x1) it reads 1 .
Put it on the 200-1999 (x10) it reads 106.3
Put in on the 2000-5000 (x100) it reads 10.62
It's a meter for footcandles. What in the heck are these three switches for, and how do I figure out what my footcandles are in a specific place?
Bought it as a fun toy to play with for the orchids. It's not fun. Possibly funny, since I don't get it. Time to figure out how it works. I know there must be a simple answer, but I'm too simple to get it. Please help. Draw me a picture if necessary ya techies.
PS Please don't go into lux and lumens and kilowatts... I'll pass out from the stress.