SO this is a dual purpose thread- one because i am looking for insight about how to arrange plants by light needs and also, slyly, to show off how i have re-arranged the grow spaces in my yard for better control and protection
i have my Schom/ myr species and hybrids out getting max light;
then, very close is the area where the catesetums go;
next highest light is the brassavolas and hybrids- this includes Bc. and Blc. hybrids.
next i have catts and catt hybrids. i include catt, leilia, Rlc. Lc. in this group.
another area has dendrobiums (phal type and laurinatre and aussie)
then i have the lath house which has a sunny side and shady side and the sunny side has the antelope dens and the "chip" family of dens as well as the zygotes and miltons as well as neos
shady side has the phals and the bulbos and there are oncidiums moving around as they confuse me the most
any glaring errors you see? suggestions
this is the new catt area
Reorganization by
J Solo, on Flickr
this is the shady dendrobium area with the catts beyond the shade
Reorganization by
J Solo, on Flickr
the brassavola area
Reorganization by
J Solo, on Flickr
thanks in advance for any advice