I've been working in the yard a lot lately making a new lawn and planting area out along the roadway.
I want to add a couple of crepe myrtle trees along with a couple more shrubby sized versions of them out along the roadway. Plus, I need a place to move a Furcraea foetida, a large agave type plant, to.
I've also begun to enlarge the yard area by building a pad to install a couple of sheds on.
I've been noticing new blooming orchids in my travels around the yard.
I grabbed the camera and walked the yard for photos.
I couldn't do it all in one day.
Mostly because of having to clear jungle to be able to get a pic of one of the orchids, then rain came in for a couple of days.
It cleared up today and I got the jungle cleared and the rest of the pics taken.
There are a few more that will ready soon.
But, I've waited too long trying to get as many as I could included in this.
Some are ready to begin fading.
The big news is that my Dendrobium lindleyi had put out 7 infloresences.
I was bummed out because two of them began aborting leaving only 5 spikes developing.
Today I looked at it again.
It has 3 more started.
That gives 8 infloresences still developing.
No pics yet.
But, I will be watching it closely.
The next installment will be when they bloom along with anything else that shows up.
I will continue to post a link to the location of the photos in my online album.
They are here:
Hawai'i / Yard Orchids / Yard Orchids And Some - '18-03-10 | Mike's Photo Gallery - Alaska - Hawai'i & Elsewhere