Well,I guess It is about time to rub it in a bit, while most of you are locked into winter.
I had made the observation that I was coming around to thinking that I had become obsessed with orchids as a sublimation for keeping animals.
It looks as if I was right.
Since getting the cats my interest in orchids has waned a bit.
I'm no longer out buying more.
I'm not working at the orchids in any way.
If they make it, they make it.
If not , they don't.
But, I do walk the yard most mornings with my morning coffee in hand checking them out, monitoring how they're doing.
Several have bloomed without my getting any photos.
But, these are doing so well I had to get photos.
Dendrobium aberans X johnsoniae

THis one began blooming a few months ago and now is in full regalia.
It should continue blooming for a few more months.
Dendrochilum wenzelii

It is blooming much farther behind the other two dendrochilums than it has before.
But, it is putting out a very nice show.
Dracula lotax

This little cutie has been giving a very low key bloom for the last few months, a few blossoms open all the time.
Onc sotoanum (ornythorhynchum)

This one hasn't bloomed yet.
But, I am excited that it has finally begun to grow an inflorescence.
I was gifted this as a runty little single PB after I had expressed a hunger to get myself another Onc. ornythorhynchum now known as sotoanum.
He reached down and pulled it out of a mass of moss growing on the top of a table.
No pot, no label, just a loose PB.
It had apparently gone feral.
I'm about to see if he was correct in its being the Oncid I want to have again.
I will add a pic here when I find out what it is.
Also have a Rhynchostylus gigantia that will be opening blossoms for the first time in a few days, pics of that when it does too.
It is winter here too.
Morning temps are down to about 60F or less by the time the sun comes up.
I'm expecting the cool dry rest Dendobiums to begin stirring around soon.
Avocado trees are beginning to bloom.
A banana bunch will be ready in a week or so.
I do like being here.
But, I miss the grandeur And beauty of Alaska.
I have begun to build myself a new online photo gallery.
It is still in it's very early stages with many photos yet to be worked through before they can be up loaded to albums.
Other than these newest pics, most of what I've put up so far are older photos, which is why I'm feeling a bit nostalgic right now.
For those that might be interested, it is here:
Mike's Photo Gallery - Alaska - Hawai'i & Elsewhere