Morning all,
October and November are sort of a low season for orchids in my yard. The blooms have been mostly Catasetums and Stanhopeas for the last couple months here. Though some Epidendrums have flowers almost ready to bloom and Prosthechea fragrans has started to bloom this week too.
Here's some highlights from my orchids since my last post.
I made the cross between Epidendrum nocturnum and E. eburneum a couple years ago and now a lot of the Epidendrums that have popped up around my yard are turning out to be from that cross. Nothing too spectacular but still kind of cool.

Stanhophea season is coming to an end with only a few S. wardii that will still be blooming in the next few weeks. But I had some really nice blooms.

A bit of an odd ball member of the Stanhopinae that you don't see too often, Kegeliella kupperi, is blooming right now.

Epicatanthe Hsiang Yu Gold Coast, which I'm hoping to back cross with Epidendrum stamfordianum as soon as I have some new pollen.

And finally a tiny Lepanthes that seems to be handeling the heat where I live pretty well. Not sure on the species though.

Also, I posted a video on collecting the pollen and pollinating Stanhopeas on Youtube if anyone is interested.