I bought this about two years ago and this is the spike from the first year. Last year it had 2 spikes and now I have seedlings everywhere . It stays green all winter long so it is very frost hardy.
sorry about the pic. I don't remember taking it in the dark (sleephotography)
Last edited by Orchidophile; 03-27-2008 at 03:03 AM..
You said seedlings everwhere? Is it planted outside? I have a variety of a spiranthes growing in my yard and never noticed until last year when I didn't cut my grass. A dear old friend pointed it out to me. What a joyful surprise. They are cut little buggers.
Very nice. I don't have any seedlings, but these readily spread vegetatively for me, putting up lots of off-shoots and filling the pot.
Ross, I got mine via mail order from Niche Gardens in NC maybe? They don't carry them anymore, but try the Wild Orchid Company. The owner is really nice. Also, Brent and Becky's sells them seasonally.
Hi Ross, I bought mine at a local greenhouse, they don't specialize in orchids or anything but they have some strange and exotic plants. Kingwood Center and gardens in Mansfield .The Kingwood Center - Welcome
Here is a list of online suppliers-I did this last year so not too sure if all still carry the species.
Generally as Spiranthes cernua odorata<p>