OK, I've got an Epic. Hainying Orange 'Ching Hua" in bloom right now:

It lost its buds 2X before.
It has finally succeded in blooming.
Then, this is one of the brown weed Vandas.
It is not mine.
This one is actually in the neighbor's tree just over the property line.
Then, 2 upcoming bloomers that I am very excited about.
Den. aggragatum

You can just see a spike developing on the lowest PB on the RH side.
I tried and tried to bloom this species in AK.
I could not get any of these at any time to form buds.
My suspicion is that no matter how I manipulated its moisture and temperatures, It just couldn't get enough light in the winter to stimulate budding.
4-1/2 hrs of daylight @ winter solstice just didn't cut it.
Then, this one sat dormant for over a year as I added 2 more plants to the mounting and fretted over it month after month.
it has finally begun to grow new PBs along with an inflorescence.
Next, what was sold to me as a Den. cretaceum but IOSPE says that it is actually a D. polyanthum.

You can see buds forming at the nodes. They're not just near the tip of the PB but are at the nodes along almost the whole length of the PB.
Several sources say that this one may be cospecific with Den. primulinum.
They both do have recessed areas at the nodes where the buds emerge from.
I've never seen that on any other Dendrobium.
I'm looking forward to seeing this one bloom.
Does it look like a D. primulinum
Dendrobium primulinum(?)
or, the one pictured on the IOSPE:
Or, is it going to be totally different.
Can't wait to find out.
Then, got a Den. crystallinum just beginning to swell at the nodes, plus a Den. antenattum 'Maku'u' with new spikes growing, and finally a yellow with brownish freckles Vanda hybrid getting ready also.
It appears that my spring bloom is far from over.