Catt in a Tree--Budding
I have a large (8 foot) potted Ficus benjamina that I mounted 5 different color Catts in the crook of branches.
But that's all for a different post.
Long story short (I'll share more info on this and other 'tree mounted' stuff in upcoming threads) after 4 years I finally have a pair of buds on one of my catts--first blooming.
This catt has recently sent off 3 very strong looking plants. But it wasn't until the 3rd one matured that I'll finally getting blooms.
Plant #1 and #2 (8" and 10" in length respective) have sent off strong "lower leaves" (these catts are sending off plants vertically) but both failed to fully send out "2nd leaves". Both failed 2nd leaves got damaged with recent cold (for here) weather.
This morning I noticed plant #1 is sending a flower bud out thru the damaged and immature 2nd leave!!!
{Pictures when the light is a little better}
I'm actually gushing!
Not only first blooms from this catt, but TWO plants sending out buds!!
This attached pic I took 3 days old, showing the plant #3's bud...
Last edited by cjm3fl; 03-10-2016 at 12:06 PM..
Reason: typo/spelling