Your pond is beautiful!
Goldfish pond water is really great for plants.
I had an in-ground goldfish pond for almost fourteen years about that size with lotuses and lilies but now I just have a half-barrel pond with just two goldfish and a mini-lily. I broke down the pond when we began to have problems with the neighborhood cats fishing, knocking over the pots, and needing rescued when they fell into the pond (they were fine due to the dogs alerting me). Having a raised pond is a much better idea.

---------- Post added at 06:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 PM ----------
Originally Posted by AnonYMouse
It could be my drought stricken brain talking but I'm envious of that pond!
Really, it is lovely.
I wish we could send a little of our rain to you (Currently, another storm is moving in--the thunder is getting louder). We have barely seen the sun all summer and mosquitoes make it unbearable to be outside! I have to run a fan in the bathroom after everyone has showered as nothing dries out.

I hope California's drought will soon be over. It sounds really bad there.