My mounted orchids in the morning sun.
They are hanging on wires under the two Syringa trees.
Below I planted some ferns and other shadow/moisture-loving plants so the humidity should be slightly higher in this corner of the garden.
I have a wire mesh in the pond about 8 inches underneath the surface to protect children from drowning. (I always have an eye on them anyway though when they are playing at the water)
I don't care about cats falling in the water. I may would if they would stop to poo in my garden every day 👿
What a BEAUTIFUL garden, I would be spending my down time in that chair by the water contemplating and enjoying the entire backyard, of course with something to drink!
Yes that's a young lotus.
In autumn, before the first frost I will sink the whole pot into the pond where the temperature is always around 40F
Hope the Lotus will survive :-)
It's getting more and more OT here :-)
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