I have made many changes in my yard orchids since my last spate of posting about them.
Some of the ones hung under the West house eaves have been moved to the East side of the house to cut their light during the heat of the day:

The 3 Dendrochilums - magnum, wenzelii and glumacium plus the Epi. porpax bloomed earlier last fall and this winter. I'll get, pics during their next boom.
The Bulbos should be beginning to bloom some time in the near future.
The Ornithophora is a bit beaten up by the high light from the West exposure, Hopefully it will begin to do better soon. Pics of the Drac were posted just the other day.
Others have been moved to the colonnades of King palms lining our driveway:

Most of my species orchids are here.
The Encyclia patens [odoratissima] has begun to bloom:

For being such a "mud fence" in appearance flower, it has the most exquisite fragrance.
It still brings back hormonally inspired adolescent male memories when I stick my nose into it.
Several others along the palms are getting ready to bloom soon.
A Rhync. gigantia should be next, followed by a Den. anosmum, with several others jockeying for next in line.
I'll post more pics as they bloom.
We're at about 800' in elevation. Winter night temps get down to as low as mid 50*s. while the days reach the high 80*s. Summer temps get as high as the mid to high 90*s with nights in the low 70*s to high 60*s.
My dendrobium and calista [densiflora] section Dendrobiums that need a cool winter rest seem to be happy. I have a couple of Den. freidericksianum plants [one already mounted in its tree] with buds about to begin opening. Then, a Den. chrysotoxum that has begun at least a couple of inflorescences. Pics when they bloom.