Originally Posted by Optimist
Who knows, the symbiotic fungus may be floating around in the air. Obviously the wild orchids get enough of it to grow. I think only when in a sterile lab do you need to bring medium in.
Its like when I wondered where exactly this nitrifying bacteria was that I needed to cycle my fish tank. In the air. Where is the yeast you need to get sourdough starter cooking? In the air.
My thoughts exactly.
Being as I already have self seeding orchids running wild around the lot, there is no doubt that the conditions needed already exist here. The only need is to get the seeds to the locations where the helper fungi is already established.
I figure that by spreading it around in many different locations, I'll hit the lottery somewhere along the line sooner or later. From the way the Vandas are propagating all over the place here, I think it'll be sooner than later.
The new D. 'Samurai" is in.
It is about 15' off the ground.
That should give it a good chance to spread seed around after it forms pods.
My Ascda. Muang Thong yard orchid has an inflorescence well started. It has a smaller saucer shaped white flower with a small purplish lip, very pretty blossoms.