I've posted in other threads about my "weed orchids", the self seeding Arundinas, Vandas, Epidendrums, Phaius', Spathoglottis', and maybe some others I don't recall right now, that are growing "wildly" in my yard.
I am about to try to get another "weed orchid" established.
In my previous thread about my orchid purchases from the greenhouse going out of business, one of the orchids I bought was a Dendrobium 'Samurai' a primary hybrid cross between D. antennatum and D. stratiotes.

It had a seedpod on it that ripened and broadcast its seed.
It has now produced 2 more seed pods.
When they begin to split, I'll spread them around on my trees and see what they can do.
Any suggestions as to the best way to accomplish this, or just start smearing them on the trees in likely locations?
And, if I'm completely honest, this post is also partly instigated by my getting a new camera and taking photos of my orchids while trying and testing it out.
Where else can I show orchid photos and expect them to be appreciated?