Just wanted to vent my feelings and look for advice with my disaster.
So first month of Winter in Sydney right now and we are getting very strong winds. As a result, my flimsy shelving had fallen down along with almost all of my orchids and hoyas while I was at work. Probably more than 50 in count. A majority of them are dendrobium seedlings and mericlones.
I couldn't bear to look at them all. I just had to take a few pictures, chuck some shade-cloth over the mess and walk away. It's night, it's cold (9 degrees), windy and there's no adequate lighting.
I don't know what to feel. I can't shed a tear but I do feel a bit sad and angry I didn't prepare for it... So I just jumped on because I felt that talking about it would make me feel better. I just feel really defeated.
I really want to be able to recover from it. But right now my plan is to just leave them there as is till Saturday (it's a Tuesday night) when I have time and hopefully get every one back in their pots (and hopefully with the right tags too). I don't know if I should spray them with water or not in the meantime.
Thank You for listening