I’ve been growing orchids a little over a year and keep hearing that summering them outside is awesome for their health. I have a little 8’ X 10’ room that I grow in and did not take them outside last summer, but am thinking of doing so this year. Problems with that are: bugs, curious feral cats and squirrels, and wind storms. So, I think I’ve figured out a way to deal with most of this, to an extent. Tell me what you think:
- Get a basic metal utility rack, like the pictured one;
- Get yards of screening material, dependent on size of rack, as pictured;
- Cut 5 lengths of screen material and sew together: 4 for the sides, 1 for the top, drawstring at the bottom. End result would be a “fitted cover” for the rack, protecting the plants from critters and bugs (hopefully);
- Put plants on rack in deep metal mesh trays, as pictured, protecting (somewhat) from wind.
This would allow light to the plants and rain water (or hose water) to drain freely. Does this sound like a plan? I used to sew, but not screening! But I’m sure a good thread could be something like fishing line.
Let me know if you foresee issues with this, fellow OBers!