Hello everyone, so after the whole summer working on moving all the orchid babies to different balcony spots to provide proper lighting and sun amount the sun decided to go to "fall" shift and everything is totally different now! Used to have sun starting at 3pm, and going all the way to inner wall by 7pm. Now, the sun starts around 5pm and finishes around 7, not getting even to the half of the balcony, and shining only above the top of the railing now, not all the way down as in summer. So, this weekend was new re-organizing, shifting, hanging, and pushing up. Just wanted to share few pics of the newest setup - and creative way I used - to push the kids UP so they will get some sun, I did use old grill (never used anyway), that I placed on the top of the table. I also bought poultry fence roll in HD, and made standing tall cylinder, that I use to hang orchids on, so they are again in the top half of the balcony getting at least some sun. I use hiking clips to hang orchids on the chain so they are easily movable and I can unhook them fast when watering. I hope this will do, and they will get proper winter rest and some sun amount for all to bloom next spring:-)